I am sure all my fellow bloggers have opted to explore new blogs thru the blogger sign-in menu. It's an opportunity worth a few clicks among the rolling titles. Most are forgettable. But sometimes I stumble onto something profound. Truewifeconfessions is such a blog. I think I know what you're all thinking. Here is a guy that thought he had stumbled upon some plethora of horny housewife chatter. Shame on you, how dare you make assumptions like that based on my gender!!? (Actually that would be a correct assumption, but let's just say I was partially right!) What I found instead was a series of brief, online confessions from real women, about their real, often desperate lives. These are submitted to Dawn, the moderator of the blog, who simply cuts and pastes the emails as she receives them. In her FAQ section, she suggests that most are real, because they sound real. And I agree. While I feel there may be some repeats, or even "enhanced" confessions, to read them is to feel them, and there is powerful social commentary to be made here about blogging. (It's the power of the internet, baby!!)
It has certainly driven-home some solid theories I have had on the fairer sex. (I would point to my long held theory that daily showers gets a man more booty.) Well that's the consensus according to several of the confessors. (Or is it confessees?) Whatever. Check it out, read a page or two, and draw your own conclusions. It sure has opened my eyes.
Uh oh. I think I've been found out!
I dunno, kook. I haven't seen any "I hate my job" confessions yet.
Wow - as a single gal, I can only say that the grass isn't looking greener on the married side of the fence
Diane, you said it! Although it is an amazing blog in the sense that the posters are blunt and honest.
And a small percentage are happy, loving comments.
Wowie... its an interesting look at how people are living their lives.
Strange how people will tell all to anonymous strangers on the internet and not the people they live with.
Oh, and I read a ton of these confessions. They are addicting!
Mish, it is a blog that has made me think. And I still can't believe there are guys that don't shower everyday.
i feel sort of weird reading it. like when someone you don't really know starts confessing things you don't really want to know about, like #918. but i did get a giggle at #916. so i'm bookmarking it.
ps there ARE guys who don't shower every day. they're called single. or matthew mcconohaystank.
I can see why guys would be totally fascinated by this blog.
To me, it felt like going out on "Girls Night" and listening to my married friends bitch. Don't get me wrong, it's not uninteresting, but I've heard it all before, but usually, I have a face to which I can match the crime.
On the flip side, I think that due to the anonymity, these women were a little more frank and open about their discontent.
EXACTLY, LA!! you hit the nail on the head. just so you know, getflix, this is what every women you date sounds like to her friends. but hopefully more like #925 and not like #935. i think kookla might be #928. it sounds exactly like her cubicle rage. haha
jesus, i'm hooked on this site.
I am surprised at how much crap some women put up with! Good find GetFlix.
I think it's very funny when they spill the beans on a guy's bad behavior in great detail, and then at the very end complain about his penis size. (You kicked me, neglected me, stole my money, cheated, AND you have a tiny pecker.)
Also, I am seriously reconsidering my peeing habits. It would seem that even the occasional few misplaced drops on the bathroom floor drives women mad.
Getflix: I would totally go with that. If nothing else, at least clean up any spillage. Oh, and seat down could seal your fate as the love of our life.
seat down, mos def. you know what i hate? whisker hairs around the bathroom sink. not kitty whiskers, but nasty old man whiskers.
once again, i've managed to make something i say sound like innuendo!
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