My recent addition of cable television has successfully exposed me to a multitude of crystal clear junk. With the three fuzzy broadcast channels gone, 50 network stations have taken their place and I realize there is almost too much stuff to watch. You see, comedy sitcoms never really ever go away. They just go into syndication. Where they repeat ad infinitum. Where else, but on cable, can one see four episodes of Law & Order in one afternoon? All from the 1990s!! And then there are the cable news programs that feature an endless parade of "experts" that will drone on about any current event you can imagine. (They prefer topics that involve sex. That really disgusts them. In fact it disgusts them so much, they'll talk about it for hours.) Then one has the nature channels, that features animals and other species not related to us. And the weather channels, which may actually be handy for the traveling salesperson or airline pilot, but not anyone in a rush for a forecast. I mean, there really is something for everyone when it comes to cable television. There is even a channel that tells you what is on the other channels!!! You never have to leave your house to get a TV Guide!! And I got the basic package. Imagine what other gems could be had if I went Premium!!
But there is actually one channel that rocks my world. And that channel is G4TV. This is a Comcast owned, LA-based station that is geared towards that hyper-desired demographic: The 18-35 year old male. (Well they've got me hooked.) The G4 channel was originally designed for those crazy video gamers. (The "4" represents the ordered creative generations of video games: text, sprites, polygons and textures.) I never saw the original G4 programming as it has morphed into a general interest station, which still caters to the man in us all. (Yes, you crazy ladies may even find some of this stuff fun!)
G4 divides about half of it's airtime between original content, (Attack of the Show!, X-Play, Brainiac, Cheaters, Cheat!, Ed the Sock's Night Party, Ninja Warriors and Cinematech) and syndicated stuff, (Arrested Development, Totally Outrageous Behavior, The Man Show, Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Banzai). I hope to review some of these shows in the near future. But I find this stuff hip, funny and certainly naughty, (As seems to be a common word used to describe me these days!) But in just the right doses. (Now you all know why I haven't posted in six weeks!!) Check it out!! G4 rules!!
Please note for my beloved Canadians: It called G4techTV up there!
Flix - Since I got cable 8 months ago, I watch way too many reruns of M*A*S*H and Scrubs. It's a total sickness.
Has Norm checked out HGTV?
If you decide to get any premium channels, go for HBO - the Sunday night programs - Sopranos, Deadwood, the Wire - are some of the best shows on TV!
LA, I tried to find it once and then moved on. I will look again.
Diane, my dad has HBO and I always visit him to watch the Sopranos. He's told me Deadwood is fantastic, but I haven't caught it.
Deadwood is definitely worth checking out on DVD. Great cast and great writing, with a very gritty look at the old west. It's one of my favorite shows, and apparently, rather than producing more episodes, they are going to follow up season 3 with a couple 2 hour movies.
Getflix: I'm already overwhelmed with my basic *BASIC* cable. Like 25 channels and I don't end up watching half of them. However, I do get a channel that sounds similar to G4TV (or G4techTV, thanks for posting that for us Northerners, Flix). I often catch myself watching SpikeTV, which is a lot of CSI, Man Show, Banzai, Monster Truck shows, etc. Strangely, I find myself mesmorized by Monster Trucks.
I do draw the line at watching a television show about video games. That just seems crazy to me!
I find myself watching the oddest stuff like "Miami Ink" about a tattoo place, "The Little People" about a dwarf family, "Littlest Miracles" about operations performed on children (more heartwarming than it sounds and the kids are so cute). Of course The Food Channel and Knowledge Network or PBS to get my British Mysteries. I've never seen a channel about video games. So that is what you've been busy with? And why you haven't updated either blog in ages????
I love Showtime for the shows Weeds and Dexter, VH1 for Flava of Love, Lifetime for Women (as I mention all the time) and the History Channel for shows like Was Hitler High? and The Devil Through the Ages.
I am also curious about what's kept you from blogging all summer. Are you going to tell us the poop? Enquiring minds want to know.
Mish, it's so cool you like The Man Show. I was reluctant to mention it, as not to offend my female bloggers, but it's tough not to get excited about "girls jumping on trampolines!!"
Ffleur, it's more about the gamer's lifestyle. (X-Play is the only show that really reviews games, and it's actually pretty funny!!)
Lack of sun and fun in August mad this rabbit moody in August, Pru. That, and Norm's endless projects and noise made it hard to concentrate.
getflix, now you and my 12 y.o brother have something in common besides your affinity to donnie darko. and you and i have something in common because TV is my friend!
warning: cable can be hazardous and more addictive than pete doherty's favorite drug. be sure to set limits and be wary of anything that is listed with the word "marathon" after it.
Getflix - I've been fans of Adam and Jimmy long before they hit television. They were both radio personalities on KROQ here in L.A. They are both freaking hilarious.
Getflix: Some of the stuff on the Man Show is eye-roll worthy, but I do think that Adam and Jimmy are two of the funniest kids around.
Ffleur: Everytime I watch Miami Ink, I find myself wanting a tattoo. Then I turn it off and forget all about wanting one. I think that means that its probably not a good idea. But Ami is cute!
LA- I remember listening to them on Kevin and Bean. Didn't Jimmy start as the sports guy? Loved Loveline too. Dr. Drew is kinda sexy.
I couldn't live without the boob tube. I'm so pathetic @_@
PK, your brother must be a cool dude!
LA, I bet they were funny as shit on the radio.
Mish, it's all in good fun!
What Joy said.
Pru - Yes, Jimmy was the sports guy, and Adam started out as Mr. Birchum. He was great on Loveline. Drew is totally hot.
getflix, i think lil bro is stuck somewhere between nerdy gamer and horny teen who likes watching girls jumping on trampolines. don't think i didn't notice those cute girls they have hosting those G4 shows.
ps the man show was where i first saw adam and jimmy. i'm a bigger fan of jimmy's, although adam took over for howard stern here on the west coast. not the same, but still funny as heck.
I haven't heard Adam's morning show. Didn't David Lee Roth already get fired on the East coast?
GetFlix! I was wondering where you've been! But if we lost you to cable (and G4TV, no less) then it's all good. Pelegrim just got me a DVR and if I could marry it, I would. I don't recommend one if you want to have a social life, procreate, or get anything done around the house. So, for me, it's perfect!
LA, I heard about an hour of Roth in the beginning of this summer, and I could believe he is gone. He wasn't horrible, but he lacked style.
Kook, I left comments on everybody's blog over the summer. It was just hard for me to post on my own.
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