Since I managed to miss the first four episodes of Grey's Anatomy, I was tempted to avoid watching it all together. That is, I could wait until summer, and catch the entire 3rd season from start to finish. But it is one of my favorite television shows and it just didn't make sense to deny myself the pleasure. And I was quite curious as to whether the cast and crew could pull it off. I imagine it takes tremendous energy to keep something fresh and funny. So when I heard ABC was to re-air the fourth episode tonight, I jumped right in.
When I first reviewed GA on this blog, I mentioned the lead character is weak. Meredith Grey plays an intern that is no stranger to the lustful desires of her handsome co-star actors. In this season, her wishy-washy demure continues. And in this particular episode, the writers have her doped-up since she has appendicitis and will need surgery. Clever guys!!! This way she can mumble and whine her way through the hour, calling out to other characters, and remind us of past plot structures. This may be handy for the newbies, but I've been watching since the first season. And I ain't buying. I still don't believe a surgeon and a vet are locked in quest for her character's heart. Face it, they're both prettier than she is!! (I would buy it if it was Izzie. She's hot.)
And speaking of Izzie, I still love her character. She has quit the intern program due to last season's fiasco with Denny. Cristina and Burke are still interesting to watch. And I find myself enjoying Addison more and the depth she adds to the show.
I'll confess my confusion regarding the relationship with George and Callie. I thought it would be a given, that at this point of the season, they would be an established couple. But instead, she is still chasing him. This episode finds her inviting George to her hotel room for some hot monkey sex, a gesture of a new beginning. Callie oozes sexual chemistry, but when George turns her down, she's done with him. George it would seem, needs to be there for Izzie. It would seem he has turned into one of the ladies. (Couldn't he comfort Izzie in the morning after hot monkey sex and a plate of ribs from room service?!)
Regardless, it remains a great show.
i don't watch this show, but if there's hot monkey sex going on, i may have to tune in!
Me neither, but I may have to tune in to find out which hotel offers ribs from room service . . .
Flix - If Thursdays are bad for you, they've been replaying the episode Fridays at 8:00 as well as replaying the episode on ABC.com (now that you have high-speed, you could watch it that way).
George and Callie have had a rocky beginning this season. The Chief caught her living in the hospital, so she went to stay with George. He was too wishy-washy to tell her he didn't want her to stay there, and by the time it came out, he was bitter about it, so she went to live in the hotel. Then, he warmed up to her again, and she invited him over, and he blew her off for Izzy. So she's basically frustrated with his wimpiness. I think some hot, decisive McSteamy sex is just what she needs.
George and Meredith are still my least favorite characters. You're right, two hot guys would never be vying for Meredith's affection. But now she's alone again, so expect a big fat pity party.
I still think Addison and Alex are going to hook up.
PK, it's all about the hot monkey sex. The hospital is just the background.
Diane, it's always about the room service.
LA, yeah Friday nights are gonna end up working for me. The Addison and Alex hook-up would be hot. Never saw that one coming!!
LA: Addison and Alex would be totally hot. I'd be down for that coupling.
I'm so over Merideth and McDreamy. And even McVet. I hate her character so much that I would like it best if she ended up bitter and alone.
I do still like George though. I think he's a cutie. My favourite characters would have to be Preston, George, Izzy, Christina and Bailey. The rest are just fluff.
Addicting, delicious fluff.
I really need to start watching this show everyone gives such rave reviews about it.
Pix, it really is good fun. Most likely the best show on network television with at least one or two seasons left.
(If the writing holds. It is in the hands of the writers.)
Flix is right. The writing is excellent, and there's great music, and nearly perfect casting (I think I would like Meredith better if she were played by a better actress). The characters are all flawed and horny, the plotlines sordid. What more could you want?
Mish - I'm totally with you re: Meredith and McDreamy.
The show is almost flawless, except for Meredith. I love how Callie is taking the bull by the horns and having McSteamy come back to her hotel room. She and George are miss matched. The show is missing one thing, a gay. I need to see a gay in this show. George is as close as it gets for right now.
Flix - I think you can watch old episodes of Season 3 on abc.com.
Well aren't I am a modern day Soothsayer -
"The show is missing one thing, a gay. I need to see a gay in this show. George is as close as it gets for right now."
October 18, 2006 11:42 PM
Ryan, I am thinking the George character is asexual. (Meredith too, for that matter!!)
Can't get into this show, but I'm glad to hear that Washington fuck might get kicked off. I saw him in an Orah interview he seemed like a very arrogant a-hole.
Actually, Ryan, the show does have a gay. Joe the bartender is gay. But I know what you mean... a main gay.
Maybe I'm just a bitch, but I'm kinda glad Finn is gone. He was boring.
LA- I totally forgot about that!
I liked the idea of Finn, but he was really boring.
Flix - Here's a really stunning picture of Izzy for your pleasure:
She is truly stunning!
Oh my favorite show!!!!
All my friends and I watch every week!!! Love those nighttime soaps!!!
I find that Meredith is the most anoying person on the show...I don't find her interesting... I did the first season... I mean really she is a bitch... Look what she did to George..Only a bitch would do that to someone.. I like Alex! The episode where he follows that lady into the washrooms at the bar... hahahhaha He's cool shit... Cristina and Addison are probably my favorites!!! Anyway cya!!!
The other night I watched a movie called " Hard Candy." Watch it when you have time and tell me what you think hahahaha.... No I is not porn hahahaha.
Terrible lie @ 11/19 - Exactly. I hate Meredith, and I love Alex, Christina and Addy. Good call!
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