This DVD, which incidentally is an unrated version, is simply the most horrific, frightening, bizarre film I have ever witnessed. Now please do not take that statement lightly. While the horror genre has never been my staple, cult classics have always rated high on my list of must-see movies. And I can recall a couple scary movies that not only had gory moments, but featured uncontrolled atmospheric suspense. The type of suspense that starts with the opening credits and stays with you the entire 90 minutes. The first Halloween movie comes to mind. (And it really didn't have that much blood in it.) Dawn of the Dead is another creep feature that takes a few days to get over. And the first Alien movie, which felt like you were there on the spaceship with the crew. (And the creature.)
Well this 2006 re-make of Wes Cravens' 1977 original, (which I have not seen) feels bad from the beginning and continues downhill from there. I think for the vast majority of the population, this movie is far too intense and violent to be even considered. And even I had to stop the player a couple of times, and take a break. But for those jaded members of society, who can keep pace with the emotional demands of an extreme, yet ultimately brilliant horror movie - this is a must see.
(Just don't watch it in the dark.)
Oh! I love the horror genre, and Halloween came to my mind as well. One of my favs, great review flix.
The Exorcist is one that scared the piss out of me. I saw it when I was a little kid (great parenting folks) and I've never gotten over it. But I love zombie moves. Dawn of the Dead is great!
Thanks Joy!
Pru, I saw Dawn of the Dead at a midnight screening! It was great!!
This is one that I'm just going to leave alone. One of my friends said it was "the most fucked up things" she'd ever seen in her life. And I won't take that statement lightly... she's into some pretty crazy stuff.
And while I like to think that I have a pretty high tolerance for the like, Dawn of the Dead turned my stomach. Way too much gore.
I'll never see this movie. I'm still trying to get over the Exorcist, too.
I would never encourage anybody to see anything that made them uncomfortable.
I love a good horror movie, but would rather see something creepy and atmospheric than ultra-violent. I really have a problem with watching anything with torture in it, like Hostel. These days, there's too much real horror going on to enjoy the fake, on-screen variety.
Yo, bitch it's the weekend, you know what that means ? Scary movies !
Ffleur, I understand.
Pele, I feel the need to subject myself to every type of media possible in an objective way. This movie is very, very violent, scary and good. It isn't a slasher film, but an actual motion picture with a serious theme. It is super intense, but rewarding.
Joy, slide over and let me sit down!!
OH Flix, I cannot wait to see this movie. It looks really scary, but I have to watch these types of movies when the sun is in the sky. I will not watch horror movies during the night, even with people in the same room with me!
Ryan, it's a total scare! Rent it, you won't regret it!!
I've seen this movie and I have to say it really shocked the hell out of me. Within the first 30 minutes your hit with a few gruesome killings and an awful rape scene. You know I have noticed that the new horror movies coming out are a lot more gory as compared to the 90's horror movies.
But did you think it was a good horror film?
It was a fantastic horror movie! It had me squirming from start to finish. Incidentally inbred, mutant Hillbillies rank high as a fear of mine.
i rented the original awhile back from netflix. even done in the 70s, it was pretty scary and terrifying. i think it's more horrific because it's not based on anything paranormal, but just a bunch of creeps. which can happen in real life.
i'm happy to see you finally moved on from the terrifyingly prepubescent lohan to a real horror flick.
Pix, I am so glad you liked it!!
Kitty, I've got to see the original someday!!
I'm going to have to check this flick out. I wanted to rent it, but Pelegrim is such a big chicken when it comes to horror films. (looking around/whispering). Don't buy that "creepy and atmospheric" line. Any little sound or bump in the night and he sends me to investigate. Not to mention the night terrors in his sleep.
I'll stay up late and watch it all alone for the extra creep factor! Thanks for the review!
Kook, be careful. This one is tough.
HOLY SHIT, I had to turn this movie off after 15 minutes. I have been scared for life. I have never been this frightened by a horror film in my life! Extremely disturbing!
Ryan, I turned it off about 3 times, and almost refused to continue watching it.
But it's so worth it.
I am thisclose to convincing Pelegrim to watch this with me this weekend. I will let you know on Monday how it works out. He's such a baby!!
I don't want to encourage people to watch it, unless they're already used to this type of film. But you two can handle it.
Just don't watch it at night.
Hey GetFlix, are you by any chance an X-Files fan? There's an episode from season 4 called "Home" that is rather scary. The episode, like most of the X-Files, is an exceptional work of suspense, storytelling, and art. By the looks of it, it may have slightly similar themes to THE HILLS HAVE EYES. And since this film is a remake of the original, pehaps the X-Files episode was inspired by the original film. However, since this is television, I have no doubt it does not compare to the film's horror and gore. Anyway, not sure how anyone can get their hands of this particular episode of the X-Files. But if you find "Home" on an episode summary/description, try and catch this episode. I think it will definitely be worthwhile.
OMG V I am a big X-Files fan and I have seen that episode. It scared the crap out of me I had nightmares for a week afterwards! I am surprised they were allowed to show an episode about inbred hillbillies who rape their own mother.Pretty gruesome.
GF, we finally watched this film last night. I must be made of sturdy stock because I thought it could be a little scarier! As usual, Pelegrim fell asleep. Not because of the movie, but he just can't get comfy when the TV is on, or he'll doze off. I thought it was really well done, scary and just the right frantic pace. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone I know, only because they wouldn't be able to handle the violence as well as I could. I also agree with the comparison to House of Wax.
Thanks for the recommendation!
I am glad you watched it Kook!!
Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay movie! I watched this at the drive in and i was extreemly disapointed!
I can't wait to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning Now that movie scared the shit out of me!
Amber, next time you go to the drive-in, try sitting in the front seat!!
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