Freaky Friday fills a very rare niche in today's teen market. This 2003 film, starring Jamie Lee Curtis as widowed mother Tess Coleman and her attitude-driven teen Anna (Linsay Lohan) examines the ever complex, forever changing relationship between mother and daughter through the comedy genre. The premise finds these feuding females switching material bodies under an Asian spell, with the only hopes of returning to reality based on a mutual understanding and trust of each other.
Freaky Friday is very similar to the Disney Family movies of the seventies. Films such as: Old Yellow, The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, and The Shaggy DA, were intelligent enough to appeal to both parent and child. It is important that there are productions that target both age groups, and are family friendly. Freaky Friday is very successful at illuminating the profound importance of the teen years, a period that often becomes nothing short of a brutal introduction into the adult world. (It shouldn't be!!) It is funny to see the spirit of mother Jamie try to apply dry logic and paternal concern to slow and organize Lohan's teen life.
It is equally funny to see Lohan, suddenly in an adult body, eagerly driving her mom's Volvo and using her credit cards for a make-over. Sure it's all predictable. And yes it has a happy ending. But the point is this film has many funny moments and makes for great entertainment. And if it gets moms and daughters in the same room laughing, then it's a hit in my book.
Flix - Are you about to review all of HoHan's films by any chance?
No, LA. (I didn't rent this, it was on television.) I have a sneaky suspicion this review will get the least amount of comments.
Ffleur, Hollywood is second only to Washington, D.C. in lack of original thought.
getflix, you and i are too much alike. we'll watch any old crap that comes on tv. which is both a blessing and a curse. wasn't this a remake? filmed way before lindsay became the phenomen that is firecrotch. i think if i watch it, i will become wistful of the way things were. sort of like when i watch the reruns of the first season of the simple life.
i keed! i keed!
Yeah Kitty, Hohan is way cute and sorta innocent in this film. I think this was a remake, although I don't think I've ever seen the original.
Pass the popcorn!!
Wasn't this movie based on a true story?
Yes Pelegrim. It really happened, but to a gay brother and sister. The problem was they didn't want to switch back.
I have seen this and it is cute. I think the origional might have starred Jodi Foster.
Won't watch anything with Blohan.
Thanks, Jennifer. I am going to add you to my links section, if you don't mind.
Joy, not even if I bring the wine coolers and beer?!
In my oppinion the only good movie Blohan did was Mean Girls. Now that movie is histarical.
Just to give you an idea how old I am, I saw this in the movie theatre. The Jodie Foster version. The mother was played by Barbara Harris. I believe she used to be married to Joseph Bologna. If she isn't still.
Thanks, GetFlix. I'm thoroughly depressed now.
Pix, I do plan on actually renting Mean Girls at some point, only because I have heard so much about it.
Kookia, haven't you heard? 30 is the new 15 and 50 is the new 16, so it sounds like you're good to go.
Unfortunately, 21 is the new 10. So you can't drink now until you're 32.
I have to say that i have never watched the remake of this movie and i probably never will....
The first one was good tho...
Um, yeah. I really do want to see this movie because I was crazy in love with the book as a kid but I would just feel too embarressed to rent it. The teenagers working at blockbuster would judge me! Unless I developed an intricate backstory about renting it because I was babysitting. Or maybe I am doing research on body switching. Which one sounds more plausible?
GetFlix, my math is a little shaky. Is 40 the new 21? Because then I can get my drink on!
By the way, I went on my lunch hour to get a mani-pedi and what do you suppose they were watching on TV? That's right! Freaky Friday!! Gotta cue it in NetFlix to find out what happened!
Terrible Lie, I hear ya!
Mish, I would go with the babysitting.
Kookia, that's funny!!
No kidding! Last time I went they were watching "The Parent Trap". It's these 3 sweet little vietnamese ladies. They giggle and probably talk about my gnarly toenails.
I think they are fixated with Firecrotch.
Flix You Must Buy This
Joy, it's totally hot. What I really want is the real mask!!
GetFlix, I hope you're gonna watch a new movie this weekend. Something with Hilary Duff this time?
Ok, this movie was on T.V. tonight and I watched it all. It was actually quite good! I got a serious craving to re-read the book and experience my childhood again.
Are you into kung fu movies at all Get? How about reviewing one?
it is great saturday afternoon on the sofa flick.
Like you ever spend a Saturday afternoon on the sofa, Dit!
Pru, I would say martial arts films are not my thing. But then again, The Matrix Trilogy rules! And it's all kung fu fighting. Maybe it's time I tackle them.
What does Dit do?
Dit is like a modern day Rat Packer. He would have fit in well with Dino and the gang. He's a prankster and has a wicked sense of humor. But he's also the most sweetest, generous, thoughtful guy on earth! He's an amazing designer and artist. We used to work together and we'd get into so much trouble. Now we don't see each other as much, except places like this!
Now, enough about Dit. What do you do?
Hmmmm, that's a very good question, kookla. Lean closer and I'll tell you.
Closer. . . .
A little closer. . . . .
Let me now whisper my answer in your ear.
And now you know.
Thanks! I had a feeling, but I wasn't quite sure! :)
haha, getflix. this was here when i left! hope you watched something else since then. or did you have this in permanent rotation?
happy 4th of july!
Kitty, I was waiting for you to return. You sure get looooong vacations.
it's called temping. gives you the freedom to kick over your desk, punch your boss in the kidney, and yell "i'm outta here, losers!"
i beg of you. watch something. soon. the suspense is killing me!
I can't believe I am admitting this, but i really love this movie. Shoot me know!
It's a fun movie, Ryan. There's nothing wrong with liking it!!
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