
T.V. Time-Out #13: The New Adventures of Old Christine


GetFlix said...
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GetFlix said...

It was my destiny to eventually hook-up with Christine and post about her hot, new show. And when I say hot, I mean funny. And when I say funny, I really have to say sad. Because it really is a sad show. A sad show that is really funny.

You see, I initially did not like this dry little drama. It struggled for the laughs. It worked from the limited perspective of single mom with no cash. All the other CBS Monday night sitcoms had a more youthful premise, with the easy tits and ass punch-lines. And after a hard day at work, it all went down fast and sleazy.

TNAOOC has all the tits and ass jokes, but they're sandwiched between the realities of modern life: Divorce, aging, hormones, family, parenting, lack of free time and space, etc.

But the topic that finally convinced me of this show's brilliant insight was Christine's battle against the busy bitches. (The busy bitch is a term I developed some time ago to deal with the passive-aggressive soccer moms that seem to be invading middle Earth.) I know the frustration Christine was feeling in her futile attempts to socially communicate with these creatures. It's impossible. But you have to give props to any normal human that tries. And Christine became my comedy hero, because she does try.

LA said...

I'm glad to hear you say that initially you didn't like this show because I haven't turned the corner on this one yet. Maybe I need to rent it and start at the beginning. That's what I had to do to appreciate both 30 Rock and How I Met Your Mother. Once I had some clarity on the back story, the jokes were funnier.

Terrible lie said...

never seen a second of this..

GetFlix said...

LA, I think that's a good strategy. TNAOOC has basically run a couple half seasons, so there aren't a huge amount of episodes.

Amber, that's because you're under 30!!

Terrible lie said...

common ~get~! Lets see some real Cult Classic's!!

GetFlix said...

How about some more Old Adventures of New Amber, first?

Prunella Jones said...

I'm still waiting for Juno to come out. I'll have to remember to check this out though.

Diane said...

When I have watched this I have enjoyed it, so I'm not sure why I'm not more of a regular watcher . . .

LA said...

Juno comes out Tuesday, Pru! I'm waiting for it, too.

GetFlix said...

Pru, you'll have to let me know what you think of Juno!!

Diane, it hasn't had a regular run yet. It's a back-up sitcom.

LA, did you catch Juno yet?

Terrible lie said...

wut up gee?

EditThis said...

I've enjoyed this the few times I've caught it but am not a regular watcher. I guess after Seinfeld, it's hard not to expect more from Louise-Dreyfus. I do love the battle with the soccer moms, tho.

prettykitty said...

i have to admit, i don't know what day this show is on, but i do watch it whenever i can. the funniest episode i saw was with "sad dad" who was played by andy richter. and bring back blair underwood as the hot teacher!

GetFlix said...

Amber, happy spring! Is the snow gone yet?

Edit, did you see the last episode?

Kitty, sad dad was great!!

LA said...

I saw Juno last week. Loved it.

I also saw Lars & the Real Girl. Loved that just as much, maybe even more.

Terrible lie said...

the has been gone.. in the east..but west it is cold as hell.. here in onatrio it is beautiful!!

M-M-M-Mishy said...

I've seen a few episodes and liked it. Im a fan of anything with a strong Blair Underwood feature.

GetFlix said...

Mish, I am thinking Mr. Underwood was a major ratings draw for many viewers. It's a very funny show!!

Hopefully CBS will give it a real time slot this fall. (And may they please bring back The Unit!!)

Ryan said...

Hey Flix, what is up. Sorry I haven't been around to comment, life happens.

I have fallen in love with this show! Julia is a crackup!

Just wish I could remember when it is on.

I love her brother on the show as well. Book smart, but dumb as hell.

GetFlix said...

Ryan, the brother is perhaps the funniest character on the show. (He's like the normal one.) Did you see the episode where he banged Barb in the garage?!!

I hear you on the slow blogger days. With so much stuff going on, it's tough to find the time.