
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)

"This is where you chose to become Jason Bourne."


Unknown said...
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Terrible lie said...

I just told you i don't get spam. And then you do hahahah
Seen this movie a few times. Very good movie! I loved the fight scene in the bathrrom...
I can't wait to see "Juno" It was rated 8.3 out of 10.. Which is really good! Right now i'm downloading "310 to Yuma"? I think that's what it's called.. And " the invasion"
But anywoo! Have a great day!

M-M-M-Mishy said...

This was possibly the best Bourne movie. Im sad that there will be no more Jason Bourne. These three movies made Matt Damon hot!

Terrible lie said...

I enjoyed the second Bourne Mishy..
But you shouldn't be sad there will be no more cause we all know that if you make too many sequels it can ruin the movie all together..
It is rare that a movie can proceed to a third series and still be tasteful..

GetFlix said...

Amber, the chase scene right before the fight scene was wild, too!!

Mish, rumor has it they plan on one more Bourne film. Although I think they pretty much perfected the entire series with these three excellent films.

LA said...

Not my genre at all, but congrats on the Pats' season!

GetFlix said...

Thanks, LA!

EditThis said...

I still haven't seen more than the first Bourne movie. I'll have to add the other two to my Netflix list.

Prunella Jones said...

It's sad to admit but one of my favorite movies is Joe Dirt. I haven't seen any of the Bourne films, those are for grown ups.

GetFlix said...

Edit, if you enjoyed the first two, the third installment will complete the experience.

Pru, and here I've been avoiding Joe Dirt based on the same assumptions!!

Queenie said...

I thought they were Bond-ing out the Bourne movies....?


kookla100 said...

Pelegrim was watching this on the plane, while I chose the equally thrilling "Nanny Diaries." What can I say, I love my action rough.

Happy New Year, Getflix!

GetFlix said...

Queenie, they've hinted at the chance of a 4th sequel, but why mess with perfection?

Kook, that's a sign of a perfect marriage!! (And a excellent indication of how we are not moving towards a gender neutral society.)

Diane said...

I have this movie at home and much watch soon! I liked the first 2 Bourne's

prettykitty said...
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prettykitty said...

no way am i watching that chowder head in anything! i keed. he was great in the departed and...just about anything else he does. but bourne is not for me. i don't have the attention span to try to understand what's going on.

GetFlix said...

Diane, I've been fortunate that Santa has left me all three Bourne films!! All three are great!!

Kitty, that's okay. I know you're a Bond girl!
(It's Flix. GetFlix.)