
The Patriots are now 9-0!!


Anonymous said...

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M-M-M-Mishy said...

Thats a lot of wins... right?

Diane said...

Is the naked lady a Pats fan?

Pats are the team to beat this season for sure!

kookla@work said...

I don't know about the Patriots, but I think Tom Brady might be a Naturist.

Oh and Hooray New England!

D.O.M. Dan said...

I guess in the spirit of being a good sport, I'm happy that there's still an undefeated team. I just wish it wasn't that team.

GetFlix said...

Mish, it's not only a good number of wins, it's the undefeated record!! I think there are 16 games in the regular season.

Diane, let's hope they have a perfect season!!

Hooray for Kook!!

C'mon Dan!!

LA said...

Wow, first baseball, now football? How do the Celtics look this season?

Yoga Gal said...

Super Bowl here we come? I'm still broken hearted that UCLA lost Saturday!

Terrible lie said...

Don't matter how many wins Brady and the Pariots win this season.. It all comes down to play offs.. And all you need is one good game to take those bums golfing for the rest of the season.. Lets focus on teams like the loins who haven't made it to the playoffs in yrs.. It's gonna be a Dallas vs Pittsburgh Super Bowl this yrs

GetFlix said...

LA, it's great to be a sports fan in New England right now.

YogaGirl, we can only keep our fingers crossed!! But it's been so much fun so far!!

Amber, I like your thinking!! A Dallas/Steelers match would be awesome!!

prettykitty said...

huh? is this about sports?

GetFlix said...

I hear you, Ms. Kitty. A DVD review soon!!

Diane said...

Dude, you need to update this to what? 10 or 11 - 0?

53 - 10 last night - freakin' amazing

Prunella Jones said...

If only I knew anything about football, I'm sure I would be able to leave an intelligent comment.

Ah, who I am kidding! Have a happy turkey day, GF!

D.O.M. Dan said...


I wanted to stop by and say Goodbye:)

Terrible lie said...

Sooooo. The Patriots are 14-0
Pittsburgh lost again this week to Jax. It's a sad story really. I was hoping that the Jets would do something crazy and win against NE this week but no luck. I still have hope that Ne will lose inthe playoffs by some fluke. Miami won this week. It was happy-sad.. Watching them cry cause they won their frist game of the season. It was like their own little mini Super Bowl hahahah..