Well, ABC regained it's senses, and rewarded us fans with a new episode January 11. Networks often seem to reward our loyalty with production stoppage. My theory is that they think a hit show can be used to spawn additional hits. For instance, is it my imagination, or do networks schedule popular show between obvious flops? They hope we will come early, and stay late, eventually becoming hooked on all three. But us coolsters know how to work the remote, or TIVO. We thus avoid the shitty shows and ultimately watch just what we want. Networks now drop their hit shows, stretch them out, and/or repeat them. (I guess it's just too much work for ABC to carry all that ad revenue to the bank!) ABC did this repeatedly with Lost. Stretch out the episodes, leave the viewers, the fans, hanging with repeats, a lack of episodes, etc. Now they can't get anybody to watch it! ABC keeps running ads for Lost claiming 11 new episodes! No repeats! All new! But all ABC hears is the echo of their own pandering. Nobody cares anymore. Except the bean counters.
Which brings me back to Grey's Anatomy. It took the show's writers three episodes to accomplish what could've been accomplished in two. The show's holiday hiatus ended with the first returning Grey's episode being fluff. A bunch of uncomfortable scenarios, while humorous, served only to refresh us to the previous storyline. Blah, blah, blah. The second new episode was centered around George's father being removed from life support and passing on. And frankly his character, played by George Dzundza, was one of the most sincere and endearing this season. Maybe they should have taken Dr. Isaiah Washington off from life support and kept Mr. Dzundza on the show!!
So by the time this month's third episode came rolling around, I had fears that Grey's Anatomy was over. Like my beloved Patriots against the over-hyped Colts, the forces of greed had won. They had killed another winner. But not all was lost! The signs of life came in the fourth quarter. Most specifically was the shallow in-fighting among the resident doctors for the Chief's position. And Alex confronting Addison about their would-be kiss and how she had been avoiding him. (Why do you women treat us men as sex objects, anyways? We have feelings, too!) His explanation that he felt pressured by her to go along was classic. Now she has to sleep with him.
So yes, it's still a great show. And yes Isaiah Washington will be back. And yes I want to be the beef in a Katherine Heigl/Kate Walsh sandwich. But please ABC. No more six week vacations. Or your viewers will be Lost.
Good rant, Flix. I don't watch Lost, but my friends who do are losing/have lost interest.
As for Grey's, you hit on something rather astute. The first two episodes since the holiday break, entitled Six Days (parts 1 and 2), were originally slated to be one episode. I learned this from listening to the Grey's podcasts on ABC.com (on the GA page). It's usually writers, editors, or the producers on the podcast. Anyway, they decided to stretch Six Days out to two episodes so they could leave some particular scenes in. The story of George's father's death was autobiographical to one of the show's writers. The podcasts are good listening for fans, I recommend.
Anyway, Grey's just won two SAG awards tonight (Best Actress for Bailey and Best Ensemble Cast for a Drama).
As for IW, I think we found out at the end of this week's episode why his job has been spared.
I still have never watched this and I'm not sure why. (ducks)
I'm enjoying Alex and Addison. And I really liked George's dad, but I do agree that it could have been shrunk down a bit.
And yeah, anytime they want to have a heavy piano fall on Dr. Burke's head, I'm ready for it. Plus, a good funeral scene might make Christina finally show some emotion!
LA, thanks for the info. I guess it's not so bad to stretch out a couple of episodes. The real crime is the six week vacation.
Pru, it's never too late. Join the fun!!
Mish, the Alex/Addison is the new hot.
I'm with Pru . . . and since the Thursday night NBC comedies are some of my fav shows, it doesn't look too likely I'll be tuning in to GA . . .
I know!!! I want to watch so many shows!!! I think I'm gonna tape one in my bed room and watch one in my living room...
Hey, I watched a documentary on "The Iceman" It was sooo good!
I watched "The Guardian" Tonight...Not too shabby
I watched "My Super Ex Girlfriend" It blowed!!! Could they have gayed this movie up anymore? And "GridIron Gang" It was okee.. It was another football movie.. The best parts were when they were playing football... Any way
lost lost me after the first season. and grey's lost me from the opening narration of the first show. lose grey and i would reconsider.
Kitty - The good news is, they are using Ellen Pompeo less than they used to.
I have to tape Scrubs on Thursdays.
Callie O'Malley! HA!
Yeah, that made me laugh, too!
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